

WCRA DY is a year-long leaderboard race of rodeo events worldwide, culminating at the World Championship Junior Rodeo (WCJR). The 2024 World Finals event will have over $200,000 in added money and will take place in Guthrie, OK, at the Lazy E Arena July 23-27. The 2023 event paid out more than $407,000.

Athletes can qualify by nominating their rodeo efforts and earning points for the WCRA DY leaderboard positions using the VRQ (Virtual Rodeo Qualifier). Athletes can nominate their rodeo efforts until Sunday, June 23, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. to nominate and earn points. The top 16 on the leaderboard will qualify for the event with no entry fees.

What and Where is the Championship Event?

The July 23-27 event will have over $200,000 in added money and is open to any youth athlete ages 19 and under (as of the first day of competition) in the world competing in 11 disciplines which include – Bareback Riding, Ladies Breakaway Roping, Saddle Bronc Riding, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping Heading, Team Roping Heeling, Tie-Down Roping, Ladies Barrel Racing, Ladies Pole Bending, Ladies Goat Tying, and Bull Riding.

Zia Esource